dawn n. 1.黎明,拂晓;曙光。 2.开端,发端,端绪,萌芽。 3.醒悟。 before the dawn of history 有史以前。 at dawn 拂晓,天一亮。 from dawn till dusk 从早到晚。 vi. 1.破晓,东方发白,露曙光。 2.开始出现,渐露端倪。 3.渐渐明白,渐悟 (on, upon)。 It [Day, Morning] dawns. 天亮了,东方发白了。 This fact has just dawned upon me. 这件事我现在才明白了。 dawning consciousness 开始醒悟。
dawn chorus 晨晓喧哔; 晨噪(黎明时的无线电干扰); 气流不稳引起的无线电干扰; 指晓喧哔
Road to Dawn () is a 2007 Chinese historical film directed by Hong Kong filmmaker, Derek Chiu. The film depicts an obscure episode in Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary life, when he sought refuge in Penang from July to December 1910.